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[사회] Everyday Transnationalism and the Postcolony in West Africa

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 국내연구자료 학술논문 Dennis Galvan Development and Society 발간일 : 2010-12-31 등록일 : 2017-11-10 원문링크

West Africa is a paradoxical region when it comes to the tension between the nationstate and the transnational. It stems from fundamental continuity of state power inherited from colonizers in postcolonial situations. The discursive grid of the postcolony is more robust than most observers would expect to find in a region like West Africa. Everyday, as opposed to formal-institutional, transnationalism turns out to be a more important. In West Africa, transnationalism is a tactical matter with regard to everyday life. There are not so much efforts to alter the discursive grid of the postcolony, but to begin to erect an alternative discursive grid, such as a joking kinship. Joking kinship ignores the discursive grid of the postcolony, and lays down in identity and imagination the basis for an entirely different, more transnational framework for political belonging.

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