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[정치] 태국의 군부쿠데타와 민주주의로의 여정: 2006년 군부쿠데타 이후를 중심으로

태국 국내연구자료 학술논문 이동윤 한국태국학회논총 발간일 : 2014-02-28 등록일 : 2017-12-01 원문링크

This study is to examine political change of Thailand in the process of democratic transition and consolidation after democratization, and to investigate the problems and political implications before and after the 2006 military coup. Actually, all countries experienced the process of democratic transition and consolidation after democratization dose not automatically maintain and institutionalize the democratic regime. Thailand seems to be successful to consolidate democracy when the prime minister Thaksin and Thai Rak Thai party government continuously took the political power in the 2001 and 2005 election through the 1997 constitution, which was established by national agreement and consensus. However, the 1997 constitution was interrupted by the 2006 military coup, and democracy was reversed to political crisis. This situation was result that the principle of ‘check and balance’ between each political party did not worked in the process of democratic transition and consolidation. The tug of war between anti-Thaksin force and Thaksin support force brought about political unstability and social disorder, and Thailand faced political crisis, which was called reverse of democracy. In conclusion, for stable consolidation of democratic regime after democratization, it needs substantive democracy that each political actor makes up national agreement and consensus and balances power by check and balance beyond institutional and procedural democracy.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
