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[정치/사회] 신자유주의와 복지 패러다임: 베네수엘라 복지정책의 탈보편주의화

베네수엘라 국내연구자료 학술논문 임태균 라틴아메리카연구 발간일 : 2017-11-30 등록일 : 2017-12-22 원문링크

This analysis examines changes in the welfare paradigm of Venezuela under the Chávez regime and the post-Chávez regime. The author argues that Venezuela, which firmly established the expansionist and universal welfare policy under Chávez, is now assuming a gradual but significant shift from the existing welfare paradigm under the regime of Maduro. After the failed experiments of neoliberal economic policy in the 1990s, Venezuela with the advent of Chávez rejected the neoliberal welfare paradigm adopted by most contemporary Latin American countries and established the state-led, universal welfare paradigm instead. However, since President Maduro assumed the presidency, Venezuela has shown a flexible attitude toward the selective welfare paradigm under the pressure of a deteriorating national economy. While still retaining the state-centered universal welfare paradigm at the forefront, Venezuela is partially and gradually accepting the selective welfare paradigm based on the reduced concept of welfare as a means of poverty reduction and for the sake of efficiency. Behind this change is the post-Chávez regime’s intention to intensify political anti-neoliberalism and secure Chavismo as a political institution, but at the same time to minimize the weakening of the populist character of Chavismo.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
