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[지역학/역사] 이집트 민족주의의 형성과 발전 및 그 안에서 외세와 이슬람의 역할에 대한 연구 -프랑스의 이집트 침입부터 이집트의 독립까지-

이집트 국내연구자료 학술논문 송경근 중동연구 발간일 : 2010-10-31 등록일 : 2018-02-14 원문링크

Napoleon and French Army invaded Egypt in 1798. Their occupation of Egypt lasted three years, and they were forced to be evacuated in 1801 by the Anglo-Othman forces. However, the departure of French Army not only simply end short period of intrusion in Egyptian history, during which an isolated province was exposed to European culture, but also signalled another type of European influences. On the contrary, French influence was able to establish itself further, and the first ruler of modern Egypt Muhammad Ali continued the work which Napoleon had begun. Ismail, the grandson of Muhammad Ali, continued Muhammad Ali's work. The seed of nationalism was regarded from reformation of Khedive Ismail and to be reinforced during the intervention of Western European superpowers for the Egyptian financial bankruptcy. Islam played the role of basic power to unify and organize the Egyptian nationalists. The Egyptian nationalism was temporally pressed down the British rule. But it was fired again by Mustafa Kamil. His Nationlism was popular was supported by general public. However it was weakened after his death. On the contrary, Ahmad 'Ali Lutfi guided the moderate and compromising nationalism which was rooted by the bourgeoisie. After the 1st world war they became main stram in Egyptian politics. They succeeded to obtain the independence of Egypt and became ruling power after the revolution of 1919. In this period, although Islam was not most important factor to determine all activities, anyone can't deny it gave basic guideline to keep Egyptian nationalism. Foreign power played to fire the nationalism in Egypt. However Islam offered the basic power to continue the nationalism.

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