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[지역] Transnational Communication among Arab Americans in Detroit: Dimensions, Determinants, and Attitudinal Consequences

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 국외연구자료 학술논문 Mark Tessler American Studies Journal 발간일 : 2008-12-31 등록일 : 2018-03-09 원문링크

The present report summarizes findings from the Detroit Arab American Study pertaining to transnational activities and experiences, particularly those involving communication with the Arab Middle East. In today’s increasingly globalized environment, it is easier than in the past to maintain transnational connections. Indeed, many immigrants of recent decades were undoubtedly participants in transnational networks involving ties to the United States before they came to this country. On the other hand, the intensity of participation in these networks may gradually diminish after years in the United States.

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