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[사회] The role of trade union in implementation of labor agreements and collective agreements in enterprises in Vietnam

베트남 국외연구자료 학술논문 Nguen T.H. Interaktivnaâ Nauka 발간일 : 2018-03-31 등록일 : 2018-04-20 원문링크

within the enterprises, democracy and the democracy implementation have a basic content in the field of labor and employment. The democracy plays an important role at the enterprises that are implemented for the purpose of building and developing harmonious and stable labor relations with the participation of many stakeholders including trade union organizations as representatives of the protection of the workers’ rights and legitimate interests. The role of Vietnam trade union in building and developing harmony of labor relations is to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of democracy in business with more content and more concrete measures. This article mentions some questions about the role of Vietnam trade union in building, signing and executing and monitoring the implementation of collective agreements at enterprises.

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