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[교육] Readiness of educational activity subjects for results-oriented cooperation in the inclusive educational practice of higher school

튀르키예 국외연구자료 학술논문 Vladimir Ts. Tsyrenov, Klavdiya G. Erdyneeva, Tuyana Ts. Tudupova, Pavel G. Boronoyev, Nataliya N. Popova Journal of Social Studies Education Research 발간일 : 2017-12-31 등록일 : 2018-04-26 원문링크

The relevance of the research is due to the necessity of integration of persons with health limitations and disabilities into the educational space of higher education institutions. With regard to this, the paper is aimed at finding out the extent of readiness of the educational activity subjects for results-oriented cooperation in inclusive educational practice of the higher school. The leading approach to studying this problem is the retrospective interdisciplinary analysis that allows an integrated consideration of the universities' readiness for full-fledged integration of people with health limitations and disabilities into the educational process. In the paper, the results of research into students' attitude toward the disabled and HL people and their readiness for results-oriented cooperation are presented, and the specific problems of psychological and social support rendering are described. The value references system of students with health limitations and disabilities has been found out, and grounds have been provided for having to include the subjects that form a tolerant attitude to special needs people into the student-training content. It has also been proven that qualified professional training has to be ensured for the academic teaching staff, infrastructure has to be provided, and an integrated program has to be developed that would allow personifying the academic process adjusted for the development particularities of students with health limitations. The materials of the paper are of practical importance for educational activity subjects involved into the higher-school inclusive educational practice.

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