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[사회] Yemen: A War Scenario and a Humanitarian Crisis

아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국외연구자료 학술논문 Felipe Medina Gutiérrez OASIS 발간일 : 2018-07-31 등록일 : 2018-08-10 원문링크

Yemen is a country that has a rich history and ancestral culture, being one of the most interesting case studies in the Middle East region. Despite this, not much is known about it and unfortunately today it’s the poorest nation in the Arabian peninsula. Towards the decade of the 2000, the country already faced an economic and political crisis, that was reinforced by the revolts in 2011 that led to the exit of the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and the failed attempt of the conference for the “National Dialogue”. Far from finding a solution, the divisions within the country became more visible. Today Yemen has descended into a cruel war since the Houthi uprising in 2014 and the military intervention of the Saudi-led coalition, which far from being a “proxy war” between Tehran and Riyadh, involves different alliances and actors, which has destabilized the country completely and deepened the humanitarian situation, creating a scenario worse than that of Syria and Iraq, ignored by the world. The present text represents the challenge of including the study of Yemen in the academy, one of the countries least understood and least studied within the great problems that the Middle East faces.

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