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[경제] Republic of Estonia : Technical Assistance Report-Revenue Administration Gap Analysis Program-The Value-Added Tax Gap

에스토니아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund 발간일 : 2014-05-23 등록일 : 2018-10-26 원문링크

This Technical Assistance Report discusses results of applying the Revenue Administration Gap Analysis Program Value-added Tax (VAT) gap estimation methodology to Estonia for 2007–2012. It highlights that between 2009 and 2012, VAT receipts failed to keep pace with nominal GDP and final consumption growth, owing to a growing compliance gap. Within the overall VAT compliance gap, the assessment gap in Estonia increased from 2009–2011, although the collections gap grew until 2009 and then decreased. The decrease of collections gap followed the introduction of automated management and sanctions of debt in 2010.

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