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[경제] Republic of Poland : Technical Assistance Report - Building Forward Estimates and Standardizing the Chart of Accounts

폴란드 국외연구자료 연구보고서 International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund 발간일 : 2018-03-16 등록일 : 2018-11-30 원문링크

The Polish government is beginning to implement its ambitious budget system reform program, first approved by the Council of Ministers in 2016. Building on considerable conceptual thinking within the government, it has sought out the support of international organizations to help deliver on the two highest priority reforms: the introduction of a medium-term budget, that will help attain the medium-term objective of reducing the structural deficit to one percent of GDP by 2021; and the reform of the chart of accounts (CoA) and budget classification to improve consistency and provide a much stronger basis for understanding the current position of the public finances. This work builds upon and extends the approach laid out in the February 2017 FAD mission, which provided guidance on delivering a medium-term budget framework. It also draws on previous World Bank support to reform the chart of accounts.

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