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[경영] EEC Development and Transport Facilitation Measures in Thailand, and Development Strategies of Neighboring Countries

태국 국외연구자료 연구보고서 JETRO Bangkok JETRO 발간일 : 2019-03-31 등록일 : 2019-09-25 원문링크

Transportation infrastructure is the key for economic development. In particular, in recent years, railway transportation has been attracting much interest not only to solve city problems, such as traffic and air pollution, but also to attract skilled human resources from abroad. The Bangkok Research Center of JETRO Bangkok/IDE-JETRO has organized a project to study the impact of the railway's infrastructure. The 2017-2018 fiscal year project report was released in March 2018, entitled the “High-Speed Railway, the EEC, and the Change of the Landscape of Thailand and its Neighboring Countries,” BRC (Bangkok Research Center) Research Report, No. 20.1 The report included many findings. The most important finding, a surprise, is that railway infrastructure per se has only a small impact. This finding suggests that measures to increase productivity are necessary to take advantage of railway infrastructure projects

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