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[경제] Asian Development Bank and Thailand: Fact Sheet

태국 국외연구자료 연구보고서 Asian Development Bank Asian Development Bank 발간일 : 2019-07-29 등록일 : 2019-10-23 원문링크

ADB’s partnership with the Government of Thailand focuses on support for knowledge sharing and innovation, fostering private sector development, and promoting regional cooperation and integration.
ADB has been supporting Thailand since 1966, and has committed $7.05 billion for 99 loans, 3 grants, and 179 technical assistance projects for the country.

ADB is working to help Thailand achieve the economic growth targets and development objectives outlined under both its short- and long-term strategic plans. ADB continues to provide support for transport infrastructure projects to help accelerate transport connectivity in Thailand. ADB’s country operations business plan, 2019–2021 for Thailand aims to provide sovereign support for potential projects to develop urban transport and improve airports, railways, and a national highway. Another project aims to develop a green finance and innovation facility by blending ADB’s own financing with funds from other sources for investment projects in Thailand.

Updated yearly, this ADB Fact Sheet provides social and economic indicators on Thailand as well as concise information on ADB's operations in the country and contact information.

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