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[정책] 2018/19 KSP Policy Consultation Report : Brazil

브라질 국내연구자료 연구보고서 - 대한무역투자진흥공사 발간일 : 2020-03-05 등록일 : 2020-06-25 원문링크

Chapter I. Introduction

Chapter II. WTO Subsidy Jurisprudence and Korea’s Experience
1. Increasing Importance of National Support Programs and Subsidy Implications
2. Jurisprudence of the SCM Agreement
3. Other Related WTO Agreements for National Support Programs
4. Sharing Korea’s Experience: WTO-Consistent National Support Programs

Chapter III. Benchmarking IT Policymaking in Korea: From IT Industry Promotion to Digital Transformation
1. IT Industry Development in Korea and Brazil
2. Evaluation of Korea’s Policy and Lessons from Korea’s Experiences
3. Policy Recommendations for Brazil

Chapter IV. R&D Policy and Innovation Systems in Korea and Brazil
1. R&D Policy: Status and Lessons from Korea’s Experience (Comparison)
2. R&D Policy in Brazil: Opportunities and Challenges
3. R&D Policy and System in Korea
4. Policy Recommendations

Chapter V. Conclusion


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