[정책] Colombia : Turning the Tide : Water Security for Recovery and Sustainable Growth - Policy Brief
콜롬비아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-09-01 등록일 : 2020-09-18 원문링크
The study described in this policy brief quantified the impacts of water shocks (too much, too little and too dirty) on economic outcomes in Colombia, using combined hydrological and econometric modeling, and offers recommendations for putting the country on the path to water security (see policy matrix at the end of this document for details of recommendations). The study applied partial equilibrium models at the micro-economic level to estimate how different water shocks (and intensities) affect certain aspects of the Colombian economy, such as human capital, agricultural production, effects of flooding, and forced displacements and labor. Those parameters were then integrated into a general equilibrium model so that the overall impacts were not only aggregated with a single analytical model framework but also received the same treatment against sensitivity of shocks and weights. The impacts included changes in agricultural production, effects of floods on asset values and well-being, changes in labor supply, and costs of building water and sanitation infrastructure to avoid the burden of disease.
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