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[보건] The Cascade Analysis Tool for Continuum of Care Analytics : An Application in Diabetes Care in Ukraine

우크라이나 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-04-01 등록일 : 2020-11-26 원문링크

This brief provides a description of the Cascade Analysis Tool (CAT) and a summary of an early application of the tool in Poltava Region, central Ukraine. The CAT is a mathematical model with a generic, flexible framework which means different types of service delivery cascades can be analyzed. The tool makes practical use of the increasing quantities of data on the costs, coverage, and impact of health and development interventions. By integrating various data types, it adds value to current analytics, and provides additional decision support. The objective of the CAT application in Poltava Region was to estimate the costs of providing diabetes care in this region, and the most cost-effective ways to address the main breakpoints in the care continuum - diagnosis and glucose control. The analysis demonstrated that targeted investments to improve case detection and treatment adherence are the most efficient interventions for improved diabetes outcomes in Poltava Region. Quantitative tools which capture service delivery and outcomes like the CAT provide decision support and evaluation for prioritizing investment into services which close the gaps in implementation.

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