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[경제] Attracting private finance to transmission in the Asia-Pacific Region

동남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - UNESCAP 발간일 : 2022-06-14 등록일 : 2022-06-22 원문링크

The 'Attracting private finance to transmission in the Asia-Pacific Region' working paper examines different models that can be employed to enable financing in the transmission system. The paper looks at the following six models, where five out of six models revolve around bringing private capital into the transmission system:

• Public ownership
• Private ownership
• Whole of grid concessions
• Independent Power Transmission
• Merchant Power Transmission
• Financial ownership

The paper concludes with a set of recommendations to aid countries as they seek to make an informed decision on the type of capital to attract and to ensure adequate development of the transmission system. The recommendations are summarized as follows:

• Review models and consider applicability
• Undertake necessary adaptations to power sector
• Work with FDI’s to ensure appropriate finance
• Ensure holistic power sector planning
• Ensure transparency in investment decisions

In conclusion, the type of model to secure adequate finance to develop the transmission system should be a national decision, through for cross-border transmission development, coordination on ownership structure can in some cases be needed. This paper sets forward a set of models that governments can utilize to attract sufficient finance at low cost. The paper also highlights some of the key requirements the models have as well as considerations that may help governments evaluate the applicability of the different models in the national and cross-border context.

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