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[환경] India - North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project : Environmental Assessment (Vol. 10) : Environment Assessment Report for Transmission and Distribution Network in Lunglei and Lawngtlai Districts of Mizoram

인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2022-07-29 등록일 : 2022-08-03 원문링크

The development objective of the North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project for India is to increase the delivery of electricity at the boundaries of the power distribution network in the participating states in the north eastern region. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: (1) setback of dwellings to overhead line route designed in accordance with permitted level of power frequency and the regulation of supervision at sites; (2) line design to comply with the limits of electromagnetic interference from overhead power lines; (3) careful selection of site to avoid encroachment of socially, culturally, and archaeological sensitive areas (that is, sacred groves, graveyard, religious worship place, monuments etc.); (4) substations sited and designed to ensure noise will not be a nuisance; (5) substations to include drainage and sewage disposal systems to avoid offsite land and water pollution; (6) construction activities on cropping land timed to avoid disturbance of field crops (within one month of harvest wherever possible); (7) marking of vegetation to be removed prior to clearance, and strict control on clearing activities to ensure minimal clearance; (8) construction workforce facilities to include proper sanitation, water supply, and waste disposal facilities; and (9) preparation of fire emergency action plan and training given to staff on implementing emergency action plan.

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