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[정책] Analysis of Agricultural Policies in Guyana (2015-2019)

중남미 기타 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - IADB 발간일 : 2022-08-17 등록일 : 2022-08-25 원문링크

The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in Guyanas economic development by contributing 21.15% of gross domestic product (GDP). However, the share of the agricultural sector has been gradually decreasing over the years. This monograph offers an update of the OCDEs Producer Support Estimate (PSE) methodology applied to Guyana for 2015-2019. The PSE approach focuses on two main elements of support: (i) the effect of government policy on prices received by agricultural producers, and (ii) the support provided through budgetary transfers to the sector. The market price support (MPS) remained Guyanas main PSE component. Expressed as a share of the total PSE, Guyanas MPS averaged 59% between 2015 and 2018. Following the end of Government transfers to GuySuCo in 2019, which led to a sharp decline in budget transfers to the agricultural sector, it rose to 96%. The main driver of Guyanas MPS remained the import duties in place to protect domestic producers of poultry meat. This report also documents the evolution of agricultural policies-related greenhouse gas emissions in Guyana for the first time. The poultry subsector, which receives most of the policy support in Guyana, emits little. Sugar and rice, on the other hand, are the commodities with the highest GHG emissions per hectare. To conclude, several policy recommendations are presented.

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