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[정치] Pakistan’s Failure in Afghanistan

파키스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - SADF 발간일 : 2023-01-10 등록일 : 2023-02-24 원문링크

Pakistan, with its historical record of state-sponsorship of cross-border terrorism and years-old policy of Islamisation of social and political affairs, is ‘reaping the bitter fruits’ of past actions. During the last two decades, Islamabad had an unprecedented opportunity to break with the unfortunate patterns of the past. Pakistan’s establishment had a window of opportunity to cease instrumentalizing Jihadism as a foreign policy tool – to end the use of extreme Islamist elements as a form of influence over domestic political trajectories, and to normalize its relations with India. Indeed Islamabad had a chance to put its own house in order,[1] for instance through the improvement of unhealthy civil-military relations, the reversal of centralised repression over the nation’s regions, the protection of religious-ethnic minorities, or the pushing of sustainable economic development, among others. Yet Pakistan’s leadership instead decided to maintain its support for the Taliban in its fight against both the US and its NATO allies, which led to the reestablishment of a theocratic terrorist regime in Kabul – celebrated at the time by Islamabad as a ‘strategic victory’. Today, Islamabad is confronted with the repercussions of the undermining of “western efforts” to bring peace and stability, not only to Afghanistan, but to the whole region as well.

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