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[경제] Jamaica Gender Assessment

중남미 기타 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-02-22 등록일 : 2023-02-24 원문링크

Despite Jamaica’s noted progress in various areas of gender equality, equal access to economic opportunity is still a distant goal. Jamaica is characterized by two distinctive and somewhat puzzling phenomena. A reverse gender gap exists in enrollment at all levels of education, as girls tend to have higher educational attainment than boys. Jamaican women earn lower salaries than men in most sectors and occupations, but the earnings gap disappears after accounting for the number of hours worked. To some extent the country’s progress in international rankings reflects the disconnect between endowments and economic opportunity for Jamaican women as compared to men. Women’s agency in Jamaica has improved in many respects, but there are concerns about the institutional mechanisms for gender equality and regarding gender based violence. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has gender-differentiated impacts in Jamaica. The pandemic has worsened the unequal distribution of household and caregiving activities in Jamaica, as well as labor market outcomes particularly for young women who experienced the highest unemployment rates on record. This assessment focuses on the drivers of the two phenomena. First, the reverse gender gaps in education and health, and second, the differences between women and men in access to economic opportunity.

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