[경제] Afro‑descendant Youth and the Labor Market
중남미 일반 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-06-15 등록일 : 2023-06-16 원문링크
Despite social and economic advances over the past decades, racial inequality remains expressive and persistent in labor markets in Brazil. A a mix-method study commissioned by the World Bank and carried out by Afro-Cebrap and Peregum – Institute for Black Reference, which included the participation of young afrodescendant researchers from vulnerable neighborhoods, identified three groups of factors that impact the constitution of such inequalities. The first concerns the disadvantages in access to and quality of education that affect Afro-descendants and contribute to their incorporation into low-skilled jobs, with fragile employment relationships and low payments. The second highlights occupational segregation, the result of which causes white men, Afro-descendant men, white women and Afro-descendant women to occupy specific niches in the labor market. Thirdly, there is discrimination itself, which can be seen in the widely documented differences in wages by race and gender between individuals with similar education and similar occupations, and the experiences in selection processes and career paths described by the youth interviewed by the study. The study also demonstrated no lack of interest or willingness on the part of young people to work or study, and emphasized their dreams of professional and financial stability. At the same time, the lack of opportunities, the demand for experience and mechanisms of discrimination appeared as perceived barriers to achieving them. To revert this trend, the analysis recommends, among others, promoting more research in this area; reducing the economic costs that can affect school completion rates of afro descendants, while also investing in teachers’ training and a review of school textbooks in order to create anti-racist school systems; implementing programs that provide job readiness training and job search skills for the youth approaching the wage labor market; providing targeted wage subsidies for youth with low education and in search of their first job, priority vacancies in childcare centers and transport subsidies as part of a job-search assistance; appropriately funding labor intermediation services, including through digital means that reduce the opportunities for race-based discrimination; and disseminating comprehensive programs for the self-employed.
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