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[경영] Tajikistan - Integrated State-Owned Enterprises Framework (iSOEF) Assessment

타지키스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-06-21 등록일 : 2023-06-24 원문링크

This report provides an evaluation of the state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector in Tajikistan and identifies possible reforms to improve the performance of SOEs. This assessment used an Integrated State-Owned Enterprises Framework (iSOEF), designed by the World Bank, to consider important questions regarding the presence, performance, budgetary implications, fiscal risks, and corporate governance practices of SOEs in the country. SOEs play a material role in Tajikistan. Many SOEs operate in competitive sectors where there is little rationale for state involvement. Some of them may be considered for the next stages of privatization. Aspects of financial and service delivery performance pose questions about the SOE sector’s ability to be an effective source of economic management and development. The aim of the iSOEF report is to support the SOE reform agenda by helping identify ways to strengthen efficiency of the SOE sector, by shedding light on SOE-related fiscal risks to assist the government in managing them and improving the SOE corporate governance to foster stronger performance.

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