[경제] Montenegro Country Economic Memorandum : Towards a Resilient Growth Strategy - Igniting Montenegro’s Productivity Growth : Background Note
중동부유럽 기타 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-05-15 등록일 : 2023-07-23 원문링크
Montenegro’s productivity growth over the past two decades has been disappointing and represents a missed opportunity for the country’s development. Over the last two decades Montenegro was unable to catch up with the productivity frontier, showcasing the lowest productivity growth in the region. As a result, a worker in Montenegro remains almost five times less productive than the average German worker. This sluggish productivity performance represents a missed opportunity for Montenegro’s development. Firm-level data points to the presence of important market frictions and inefficiencies that misallocate productive resources and limit the productivity potential of Montenegrin firms. Igniting robust productivity growth should be among the top priorities of the Montenegrin government. Policies should aim at increasing the dynamism of the Montenegrin business environment, reducing market inefficiencies, and levelling the competitive field. These interventions should tackle existing barriers to entry both direct and indirect to favor entrepreneurship and firm creation. Policies that stimulate entrepreneurship and promote productivity growth while limiting firms’ market power in the product and labor market can thus help solving Montenegro’s job problem and while fostering wage growth.
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