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[경제] Green hydrogen economy: Prospects and policies in Vietnam

베트남 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Science Direct 발간일 : 2023-06-13 등록일 : 2023-08-05 원문링크

Hydrogen (H2) plays an important role in the energy transition toward a zero-carbon economy, in which green H2 could replace fossil fuels in the refining, petrochemical, fertilizer, steel, cement, electricity, and transportation sectors. More importantly, the deployment of green H2 strategies could ensure energy security and create an efficient way of using national resources. Vietnam has been considered as a country with abundant resources to produce green H2 but several limitations slow down the transition to a green H2 economy. Therefore, this article reviews the progress and potential of green H2 production using solar and wind energy in Vietnam. In addition, the article analyzed the roadmaps and policies of various countries worldwide for the green H2 economy comprehensively aiming to make policy recommendations for Vietnam. Overall, the green H2 economy could promote Vietnam's stabilized socio-economic development according to the expected goals of the new era. Moreover, developing a green H2 economy could contribute to building the image of Vietnam as a green country, attracting foreign investment and sustainable development.

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