[경제] Ecuador - First, Second, and Third Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Development Policy Loans
에콰도르 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-09-11 등록일 : 2023-09-17 원문링크
Ratings for the First, Second, and Third Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Development Policy Loans (DPL) for Ecuador were as follows: overall outcome, relevance of prior actions, and achievement of objectives (efficacy) was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: the resulting DPL design will unavoidably be exposed to future reversals - as reflected in the risk rating as high - but mitigation measures proved insufficient. DPL design was not (and may not have been able to be) resilient to subsequent worldwide shocks. The analytical work as well as the technical dialogue with the authorities provided the foundation for the identification of prior actions throughout the program. Delivery of outcomes under an ambitious DPL program benefits from parallel operations and technical assistance, especially when the client lacks capacity, as well as close collaboration with the Executive Directors (ED’s) office. Coordination and collaboration between World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and other International Finance Institutions (IFIs) contributed to coherence, impact, and efficiency of the international support package in such a complex macroeconomic environment. Adjusting a DPL program during implementation to shocks (COVID-19) requires simplification to open space to address the rising challenges while keeping on the long-term goals. Addressing the impact of a shock such as COVID-19 provides the opportunities to advance targeted institutional reforms. Ecuador’s actions to foster debt transparency accompanied the efforts by the international community to shore up support.
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