[경제] Afghanistan - Payments Automation and Integration of Salaries Project
아프가니스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-05-03 등록일 : 2023-09-24 원문링크
Ratings for the Payments Automation and Integration of Salaries in Afghanistan were as follows: outcomes were unsatisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation quality was modest. Some lessons learned included: in a challenging context like Afghanistan where the operating context is fluid and unpredictable, it might be prudent to design a project that focuses on incremental gains in case the project is not able to deploy all the activities, endangering any substantive outcome for the project. Implementation readiness should be at an advanced stage at the time of project approval, and implementation arrangements in place where the Government’s capacity in coordinating across ministries is limited. It is especially important in a project like PAISA, where there are multiple implementing agencies, and that requires multiple layers of coordination across the various governmental agencies. In addition, with a high turnaround in the government and generally low implementation capacity, close supervision of projects is necessary to resolve issues arising during the project implementation. Providing capacity building for staff in implementing agencies and handholding is necessary to allow implementing agencies to improve their understanding of the WB processes and adjust their internal processes accordingly. Projects should embark on highly ambitious objectives, such as the development of digital payments ecosystem, only if high levels of government ownership are evident and consistency in government policy-making decisions is likely. When there are constant policy changes as in the context of PAISA, it hurts the implementation pace and ultimately the project does not achieve its intended objectives. The Government’s decision to move forward with the enrollment of civil servants, pensioners, and other payment recipients in the e-NID (e-Tazkira) system deep into project implementation, rather than establishing a separate biometric registry as intended under the design of the PAISA project, delayed the implementation of component 1 considerably. Similarly, with the arrival of the new management in DAB priorities changed. Although an implementation plan for component 3 was agreed upon with the previous management of DAB, the implementation of component 3 was no longer a priority for the new management, which meant none of the activities could commence as planned.
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