[경제] Afghanistan - The Digital Central Asia South Asia
아프가니스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-06-27 등록일 : 2023-09-24 원문링크
Ratings for the Digital Central Asia South Asia for Afghanistan were as follows: outcomes were unsatisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation quality was modest. Some lessons learned included: frequent changes in staff, changes of ministers, the broader climate of political interference, particularly in the hiring of key project staff, challenged the Project and are common challenges in other FCV contexts. Various project activities relied on the participation, ownership, and coordination across multiple ministries, departments, and agencies. This was especially the case for the implementation of cross‐sector infrastructure sharing for telecommunications network expansion (component 1) and the adoption of e‐Government (component 2). Sharing of optical ground wire with Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat could have improved digital infrastructure in the country, while better coordination between MCIT and NSIA could have expedited implementation of the national portal and the e‐services component of the Project. Limited mechanisms and incentives for such coordination, and the fragmentation of programs, constrained the achievement of those objectives despite efforts by the implementing agencies. Future projects could invest in developing such mechanisms, through formal and informal means, to encourage ministries, departments, and agencies to work together, to involve their leadership and experienced staff more directly in project design and implementation. Addressing limited institutional capacity could benefit from a long‐term approach combined with strong enforcement of legal conditions.
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