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[경제] Afghanistan - Public-Private Partnerships and Public Investment Advisory Project

아프가니스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-04-21 등록일 : 2023-09-24 원문링크

Ratings for the Public-Private Partnerships and Public Investment Advisory Project for Afghanistan were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation quality was modest. Some lessons learned included: Program teams need to be prepared to respond quickly to the risk of politicization of complex technical measures promoting PPP and PIM in an FCV context like Afghanistan. WBG teams should exercise a high level of caution and adopt a gradual strategy in attempting multisectoral projects that aspire to attract private investment through PPPs. Such projects require very clear institutional and implementation arrangements, backstopped by strong legal and regulatory underpinnings, to promote coordination and provide the security sought by the private sector, all of which are especially difficult to secure in an FCV country. The multisectoral nature of PPIAP required high-level oversight to facilitate coordination, overcome territorial issues, and avoid project delays. The project’s design attempted to overcome these challenges by reflecting prior experience in Afghanistan and leveraging the relevant lessons to support efficient implementation. Endemic corruption in weak governance situations like many FCV contexts can greatly affect project implementation and attainment of outcomes and must be caught and addressed as soon as possible to be effectively mitigated. A common issue faced by several WBG projects in Afghanistan, including PPIAP, was persistent procurement delays and slow implementation. This undermined the attainment of intended project targets and outcomes. To address these delays, creative procurement solutions are often necessary to ensure that good contractors and consultants are willing to work on Afghanistan – in PPIAP, this often took the form of permitting international firms and consultants to work remotely for extended durations, and to travel to the country only when necessary.

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