[경제] Estimating Gap of The Social Safety Net Programmes In Bangladesh
방글라데시 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - CPD 발간일 : 2023-09-14 등록일 : 2023-09-24 원문링크
Leakage in the Social Safety Net Programmes (SSNPs) in Bangladesh is a significant problem ranging from 10 to 40 per cent of the total budget. The eligible non-beneficiaries are often left out of the safety net coverage, whereas half of the beneficiaries get the allowance without fulfilling the criteria. This study aims to identify the gaps/ leakage and to estimate the additional resources needed to bring the eligible non-beneficiaries under the SSNPs. The study identified three key programmes (old age allowance (OAA), widow and husband deserted destitute women allowance (WA), and primary education stipend (PESP)) that represent the life cycle approach. A total of 486 respondents from three programmes were surveyed in 29 upazillas under 15 districts of eight divisions. Besides, 25 FGDs and 29 KIIs were conducted to collate the supply and demand side information. It is identified that 30 per cent of old age and 33 per cent widow beneficiaries are not eligible for any allowance. Besides, yearly around Tk 1,500 crore is being spent on the non-eligible beneficiaries, which could be utilised to cover an additional 40 per cent eligible non-beneficiaries. It is suggested to redefine the eligibility criteria, development of a single ID household database, community-based beneficiary selection process, scale up the programmes in the urban areas and increase the allowance amount, among others.
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