[환경] Poland - Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project : Resettlement Plan : Appendix 2 - List of Properties
폴란드 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-09-01 등록일 : 2023-09-24 원문링크
The development objectives of the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project for Poland are to increase access to flood protection for people living in selected areas of the Odra and the upper Vistula river basins, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of the government to mitigate the impact if floods more effectively. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: (i) in case a project affected person without legal title or legal rights over the land is affected by project-related land acquisition the case will be analyzed individually for the possibility of applying general mechanisms from the Civil Code to achieve the objectives of OP 4.12; (ii) persons who lost income or employment will receive support (health insurance, professional trainings etc.) from the employment offices; (iii) the project will grant to the affected people help in obtaining assistance from offices and institutions; (iv) in order to cover costs of relocation and other similar costs it is possible to apply general mechanisms from the Civil Code in a manner that achieves the requirements of OP 4.12.; (v) in all cases, no work will begin until there is documented evidence that the project-affected person has been informed well in advance, compensation has been paid and it has granted permission to enter the land; (vi) the valuation of the real estate will be conducted by an independent and experienced property appraiser; and (vii) socio-economic baselines and Resettlement Action Plans will be prepared based on the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), monitored and evaluated in line with OP 4.12 and good practices.
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