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[경제] On India’s Electricity Consumption

인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - CSEP 발간일 : 2023-10-26 등록일 : 2023-11-12 원문링크

This paper studies growth in electricity consumption, the key factors affecting it, and its link with economic activity. To do so, the paper discusses the major characteristics of India’s power sector, and the historical trends of power consumption and economic growth, by tracing the changes over the years. The study also briefly discusses the key factors that have impacted consumption measures, including captive power, deficits, enhanced efficiency, etc. It also discusses the historical role of the manufacturing sector, the growing importance of the agriculture and household sectors, and the introduction of new and more energy-efficient technologies (such as the LED bulb), in determining power-sector outcomes. In the process, the study provides an overview of the existing relationship between energy and gross domestic product (GDP) in India, using past data and extant literature. Finally, the study conducts a time-series analysis to estimate the elasticity of energy consumption with respect to overall economic activity (using gross value added (GVA) as a measure). It finds that despite ups and downs in consumption and elasticity estimates over time, the long-term elasticity has been close to unity. Therefore, given that long-term annual economic growth is expected to be in the 5–7 percent range, India should plan for capacity increases at 6–7 percent for the next five- to ten-year horizon as it is better to err on the side of excess than shortage.

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