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[경제] Peru: Central Bank Digital Currency Stakeholder Engagement

페루 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - IMF 발간일 : 2023-11-03 등록일 : 2023-11-19 원문링크

An IMF mission visited Peru in June 2023. This mission was the third engagement with the Central Bank of Peru (BCRP) aimed at enhancing staff capacity for engaging directly with key stakeholders on strategic and policy matters regarding Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Building from ongoing virtual support, the mission initially assisted the BCRP to deliver a CBDC white paper, and a survey to gauge the reactions to a proposed CBDC. Also, the mission delivered an operating manual for guidance when considering innovation challenges as potential modalities for CBDC concept development. Off the back of the publication of the white paper, and on request of the BCRP, a physical mission worked with the BCRP to host an inaugural industry-wide stakeholder engagement on CBDC between June 19 and June 23, 2023. This strategic engagement marked a significant milestone for the BCRP, facilitating a candid assessment of stakeholder support for CBDC. Nine recommendations along three strategic themes surfaced from the robust and dynamic interactions.

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