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[경제] Adoption of digital technologies amidst COVID-19 and privacy breach in India and Bangladesh

방글라데시 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Taylor & Francis Online 발간일 : 2023-01-19 등록일 : 2023-12-17 원문링크

This article problematizes the institutional void caused by the lack of accountable digital regulation in India and Bangladesh regarding the adoption of public health-related digital technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings from literature review and preliminary interviews illustrate an emerged pattern in these countries that intersect governmentality and materiality with an absence of oversight. The findings further indicate an absence of privacy laws that leave citizens vulnerable to privacy breach. As surveillance becomes a social norm, authorities appear to turn a blind eye toward human rights while public remain unaware and uninformed. The article recommends that consumer-centric governmentality is needed to ensure the privacy and protection of consumers and citizens in India and Bangladesh.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
