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[정치] Assessing the Impact of the MAS Regime in Bolivia

볼리비아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Bulletin of Latin American Research 발간일 : 2024-01-01 등록일 : 2024-02-02 원문링크

This study aims to analyse the impact of the Movement towards Socialism (MAS) regime on GDP, income inequality and corruption levels. The empirical findings show that GDP has increased and corruption decreased with the MAS party in power. Income inequality, however, has tended to increase, even though average values for the Gini index during the MAS years have been lower. The difference between counterfactual and actual observations (i.e. treatment effects) was regressed against three key shocks experienced by the Bolivian economy and the findings demonstrate that all these shocks are correlated with the three outcome variables.

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