[사회] Study Regarding the Use of Mobile Phones in Romania
루마니아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - International Conference on Economic Scientific Research 발간일 : 2024-02-23 등록일 : 2024-02-23 원문링크
The development of the IT&C environment has provided opportunities regarding the way data is collected, stored, created, and managed, both at the individual and organizational level. People prefer mobility for devices they use. Therefore, computing systems have benefited from a constant stream of technological development. Mainframe computers were succeeded by minicomputers, which led to personal computers and then to mobile devices. The benefits of mobile technology include innovation, flexible work opportunities, higher-quality work, and better cross-border collaboration and communication. However, managing the security of the data contained within these devices remains a challenge. Smartphones are the most widely used means in this regard, both for personal and work purposes. As their prevalence has increased, smartphones have become more prone to cyberattacks and are associated with an increasing level of security risks. The present study aims to analyze the current state of the number of mobile phone users in Romania, both from the perspective of individual users and companies that offer their employees the opportunity to have a work phone. Another aspect that this paper examines is the evolution of smartphone users and mobile Internet connectivity. This chapter represents the baseline for the development of a complex research that aims to build directions towards preventing and detecting intrusions associated with specific mobile environments cyberattacks.
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