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[사회] Article Experiences of Child Marriage Among Women and Men in Turkey

튀르키예 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Journal of Child and Family Studies 발간일 : 2024-02-22 등록일 : 2024-02-29 원문링크

Every marriage before the age of 18, regardless of gender, is considered a human rights violation, a public health problem, and a social risk. The present qualitative study aims to understand and reveal the child marriage experiences of both women and men with respect to gender. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten male and ten female participants, aged between 29 and 64, who had child marriages and lived in different regions of Turkey. As a result of the thematic analysis, four main themes were derived: “unlived childhood”, “reflections on marriage”, “reflections on the relationship with the child” and “health problems”. The theme “unlived childhood” includes sub-themes that examine the childhood experiences of the participants; “reflections on marriage” spousal relations and marital life; “reflections on relationship with children” participants’ upbringing and relationship with their children; and “health questions” reproductive health and mental health. As a result, it was seen that the participants experienced gender-specific differences along with an unlived childhood and a suspended adulthood. While particular responsibilities and health problems stood out for female participants, male participants carried the responsibilities of being a father and the pillar of the household during their childhood.

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