[교육] Education system in Iraq: Reflective Narrative from Basra
이란 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - University of Basrah 발간일 : 2024-04-01 등록일 : 2024-04-25 원문링크
This research paper reflects on the struggles in teaching reality and the religiously and politically motivated policies and practices in Iraq. Though narratively motivated, the bulk of the paper is based on textbooks analysis and conversations with teachers and learners and on my indirect observations of teachers' sessions and direct observation of my learners. It is thus qualitative in design. It should not be considered a mere narrative that could only reflect my own a point of view. Following the rationale, the paper draws the attention to the problems of Iraqi Education System. These problems were mainly recognized in the methods that teachers follow in classes. It was realized that traditional teacher methods are employed. Research methods also suffers. This core aspect of learning has not received due attention. Teaching materials are repeated every year, some of which date back to the 1960s. My story unfolds in the middle of the discussion. In this paper, I reveal the difficulties I face as an EFL teacher. This is substantiated in the fact that I have taught in five different colleges in the span of five years. The paper concludes with some recommendations for Iraqi education system change.
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