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[경제] Significant Communication Factors for Sustainable Products with a Focus on Czech Consumers

체코 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Communication Today 발간일 : 2024-04-01 등록일 : 2024-05-09 원문링크

The aim of the study is to identify the importance of partial communication factors of sustainable products for the Czech consumer. First, the data from an online survey is interpreted in the form of descriptive statistics to establish a comprehensive overview of the attitudes and preferences of Czech consumers. Second, the global envelope method is used to evaluate reactions to packaging, certificates, ingredients, in-store placement, awareness, sales in a sustainable store, higher prices, and other factors among selected target groups. Based on the results of the 2020 questionnaire survey, significant target groups were identified by frequency analysis and their responses to communication factors were monitored for apparel, drugstore and cosmetics, and food. The test results show that clearly the most important communication factor for sustainable products is the certificate, to a large extent for two categories: males 45 – 64 years old and females who are university educated.

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