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[외교/안보] Realpolitik of Indo-Nepal Relations

네팔 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - RAIS 발간일 : 2024-05-01 등록일 : 2024-05-16 원문링크

Substantial political and economic exchanges have marked the historical relationship between Nepal and India. They maintain their diplomatic relations through high-level visits, trade initiatives, and financial investments. Moreover, India has assisted Nepal in the domain of infrastructure development but is motivated by geopolitical considerations and preferences. The Treaty of Segouli, concluded in 1816 between the Kingdom of Nepal and British India, led to Nepal's relinquishment of a substantial territorial expansion. This began the emergence of realpolitik in Nepal, which facilitated foreign intervention in the country's political affairs. India has exerted a significant hegemonic influence on Nepal's internal and external affairs since its independence from British rule in 1947. This influence has been particularly evident since establishing the 'Peace and Friendship Treaty' between India and Nepal in 1950. India has played an active role in Nepal's political movements, introduced the concept of a common river, and imposed its desires and interests through river water agreements. Additionally, India has infringed upon Nepalese territories and utilized Nepalese political parties and their leaders to create a political-economic environment in Nepal that benefits India. Furthermore, India has a covert presence in selecting Prime Ministers in Nepal. Therefore, these factors collectively suggest that India's influence and domination infringe upon Nepal's sovereignty and independence.

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