[정치] Populism and marginalized communities: How politicians in Slovakia abused poverty during elections
슬로바키아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2024" 발간일 : 2024-05-01 등록일 : 2024-05-23 원문링크
Based on a 2019 study carried out by the Government Commissioner for the Roma community, the Roma community in Slovakia makes up approximately 8 % of population. Marginalized groups are often targets of exploitation by fraudsters and usurers from their own community not only in Slovakia. At the institutional level, majorities face prejudice based on their ethnicity. People in these excluded communities often live in conditions reminiscent of the past century, facing restricted access to basic hygiene and education. The Roma population in Slovakia constitutes a great potential and can be a driving force for economic growth and the survival of companies, especially in the least developed regions-Prešov, Košice, Banská Bystrica. Their participation is important not only in the labour market, but also in public life. In 2023, elections took place, during which the former Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic took advantage of the situation in these communities, promising a reward of 500 EUR to anyone participating in the elections. The aim of our work is to investigate how this promise influenced electoral preferences in the given community and the impacts of such unethical political practices on poorest and one of the most vulnerable communities in the country.
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