[교육] The Czech version of the Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practice (TEIP) scale: validation and psychometric analysis of the instrument with primary school teachers
체코 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - International Journal of Inclusive Education 발간일 : 2024-07-11 등록일 : 2024-07-19 원문링크
The aim of this study was to conduct a detailed psychometric analysis of the Czech version of the internationally used Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practices Scale (TEIP) questionnaire. Using a sample of 1434 teachers (Nwomen 88%) from 140 primary schools in the Czech Republic, a confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm the hierarchical structure of the questionnaire with three correlated dimensions representing the general higher-order factor of the TEIP. The 6-item subscales Efficacy in using inclusive instructions, Efficacy in managing behaviour and Efficacy in collaboration (ω ≥ 0.8) and the overall 18-item TEIP (ω ≥ 0.9) all showed acceptable reliability. Convergent, discriminant, concurrent, and criterion validity of the TEIP were confirmed. Full strict invariance of the measurements was achieved for the comparison groups of teachers in terms of their age. Overall, perceived self-efficacy was found to be relatively high in relation to the implementation of inclusive practices, with teachers holding special education qualifications scoring higher on the TEIP scale compared to those without such qualifications (dCohen = 0.5). The TEIP was shown to work well in the Czech sociocultural environment and is a reliable tool for (international) comparison and evaluation of teacher self-efficacy regarding teaching in inclusive classrooms.
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