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[사회] South Africa

남아프리카공화국 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Literature, Critique, and Empire Today 발간일 : 2024-10-27 등록일 : 2024-11-08 원문링크

Broadly speaking, the measures of economic recovery taken in South Africa after the pandemic have not been sufficient to overcome structural constraints such as large-scale scheduled power outages, unemployment (particularly affecting the youth and marginal- ised groups) and weak management of state enterprises, causing transport and logistical problems with service-delivery. These aspects, along with poverty, inequalities, corrup- tion, xenophobia and persistent gender-based violence continue to create an atmosphere of disillusionment that percolates into some of the literary works, such as Morabo Morojele`s Three Egg Dilemma, which demonstrates the dissolution of personal and communal integrity through poverty, street life and pervasive violence and Tebello Mzamo`s I Did Not Die, about the realities of mineworkers and their families [both Fiction]. However, one can perhaps read hope in how artists and critics continue to grap- ple with such realities and with the influence of the past on our present.In 2023 the literary community in South Africa mourned the passing of, among oth- ers, the poet Jonty Driver, who went into exile in the mid-1960s; the writer Simphiwe Nolutshungu, who won a South African Literary Award for his isiXhosa poetry collec- tion; the historian and novelist Dan Sleigh, known mostly for historical fiction set during the early period of the Cape Colony; novelist and scriptwriter Kole Omotoso; poet David Friedland; poet and journalist Jeremy Gordin; novelist Johan Jack Smith; children`s author Martie Preller and Jane Taylor, an award-winning writer who was involved in the Handspring Puppet Company`s production of Ubu and the Truth Commission.We celebrated the 80th birthday of Sindiwe Magona. A tributary anthology, Sindiwe`s Gift, and a collection of her own essays, I Write the Yawning Void [Non-Fiction], were published. A conference was held in her honour, online and at Georgia State University

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