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[경제] Imagine Peace: Connecting Global Solutions on Reconciliation with an Afghanistan Ready for Peace

아프가니스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - CSIS 발간일 : 2020-12-16 등록일 : 2021-01-14 원문링크

This report identifies best practices among reconciliation programs used in conflicts around the world that may help promote reconciliation in Afghanistan, should progress toward peace advance. A team of American University undergraduate researchers at the School of International Service worked under the guidance of former ambassador Earl Anthony Wayne to examine scores of programs in over 30 countries.

The report draws on guidance from experienced scholars, leaders, and authoritative voices on Afghanistan, who assisted the team in selecting successful programs that could be useful in the Afghan context. The objective is for these examples to inspire Afghans and their partners to consider innovative avenues for reconciliation, should Afghanistan move toward a negotiated settlement and a process to consolidate peace.

The research team identified four categories of promising reconciliation practices: Trauma Healing, Peace Education, Cohesion, and Gender Inclusivity.

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