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[경제] Large Cardamom and Allo in Nepal : Women Home-Based Workers see Opportunities Expanding, but Barriers Remain

네팔 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2021-01-25 등록일 : 2021-02-04 원문링크

Production of the herbs large cardamom and allo are attractive sources of income for rural Nepali women. Nepal is the world’s largest producer of large cardamom with exports valued at about United States (U.S.) 37.5 million dollars. Allo is increasingly in demand as a natural fiber for clothes and woven products. Both cardamom and allo demonstrate large potential for women to reap economic benefits through improved business practices and products. Currently, women home-based workers are involved primarily in the early stages of production that are strenuous and less profitable, not in the later, more lucrative stages of marketing. Women harvest, clean, and dry the crop while men track prices, deal with traders, and transport products for sale. This note presents ways to address barriers faced by women producers and help them move up the cardamom and allo value chains.

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