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[교육] School Construction Planning and Site Selection Report : Recommendations for Equitable Distribution of School Buildings and Essential Elements

아프가니스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2021-06-09 등록일 : 2021-09-12 원문링크

Despite tremendous progress in student’s enrolment, around 3.5 million school age children are still out of school and around 50 percent of schools operate in open areas or under tents. The provision of basic infrastructure such as school buildings and other essential elements (boundary walls, latrines, and waterpoints) to existing schools has been based on ad-hoc planning norms and weak site selection criteria which led to considerable inequities between and within provinces and created urban-rural disparities. The report suggests that there are significant number of schools with buildings, that are prone to natural hazards such as flooding, avalanche, earthquake, landslide etc. which are caused by inappropriate site location and building layout, non- adherence to norms, lack of rational planning criteria, political interventions, and sufficient funding are some of the main causes of these inequities. There are considerable number of schools which have buildings but are not constructed in accordance to Ministry of Education (MoE) accessibility criteria and do not full fill the MoE norms in terms of student walking distance from home to schools as well as distance between adjacent primary schools, secondary, and high schools. The paper presents a situational analysis of existing school buildings, disparities, and inequalities in school infrastructure provision between the provinces, site selection criteria, factors affecting these criteria and provides recommendations to address these gaps. The objective of this study is to guide the policy dialogue on the school infrastructure policy of the MoE. In particular, the report provides recommendations to the MoE on: (1) equitable norms for provision of school buildings for existing schools that operate under tents or in open areas to reduce disparities between provinces; and (2) selecting appropriate sites for schools which are accessible to various group of population and considering environmental factors adequate in size based on in-depth diagnosis.

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