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[정책] Stunting in Pakistan - A Challenge Undermining the Country’s Human Development Potential : A Policy Note

파키스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2022-08-31 등록일 : 2022-09-07 원문링크

Dire levels of childhood stunting present a major public health threat and it remains as a key human development challenge for Pakistan. Adequate food intake, environmental health, and care for children and women have a strong association with Pakistan’s stunting levels. . The repeated waves of COVID-19 since March 2020 in exacerbating food insecurity and disrupting provision and use of basic health and nutrition services, have put an even larger number of under-five children at increased risk of stunting. Nutrition is prominent on Pakistan’s policy agenda as evidenced by the comprehensive Pakistan Multisectoral Nutrition Strategy 2018 (PMNS). However, multiple weaknesses in implementing nutrition programs across sectors remain as the significant challenge. The exemplars study demonstrates that countries can achieve significant reduction in stunting by addressing key immediate determinants through policy change and programmatic action. This report provides recommendations based on evidence and from discussions with key stakeholders.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
