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Susan Legêne, Bambang Purwanto, and Henk Schulte Nordholt (eds), Sites, bodies and stories; Imagining Indonesian history. Singapore: NUS Press, 2015, 312 pp. ISBN 978-9971-69-857-7. Price: USD 38 (paperback).

싱가포르 국외연구자료 기타 Hans Hägerdal Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia 발간일 : 2016-06-23 등록일 : 2016-12-21 원문링크

In 2008 a band of marauders attacked the historical site Macan Putih, situated a few miles outside Banyuwangi in East Java. They crossed the encircling wall, destroyed two statues that stood inside a ritual building, and stole a sheet that covered the shrine. This act of vandalism illustrates the highly contentious significance of some heritage sites in modern Indonesia

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