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[경제] BCG (Bio-Circular-Green) economy in Thailand

태국 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - JRI 발간일 : 2022-06-01 등록일 : 2023-01-29 원문링크

Thailand is becoming increasingly environmentally oriented, with the establishment of a “BCG (Bio-Circular-Green) economy” proclaimed as part of its “national agenda” key themes for future economic and social development. Therefore, understanding the BCG economy concept, related policies, and challenges with implementation is important for assessing the future outlook for the Thai economy and policies.

B: Bioeconomy refers to a broad range of economic activities, including the production and trade of goods that utilize biomass (biological resources) and biotechnology (bioengineering). In Thailand, it accounts for the largest share of the BCG economy, and positioned as priority industries are the production of high value-added agricultural, forestry, and fishery products, food production using these products, production of biofuels and bioplastics, development of pharmaceutical products, green tourism, etc. By expanding the bioeconomy, the government aims to promote the C: Circular economy and the G: Green economy, as well as to correct income disparities among regions and productivity gaps among industries. In addition to this, it is attempting to establish a circular-green economy by introducing renewable energy, promoting proper disposal and recycling of plastics and metals, and popularizing environmentally friendly vehicles and energy-saving home appliances. Expansion of the BCG economy will lower economic security risks through increased self-sufficiency in metal minerals and energy, along with reduced GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions. 

Data such as the amount of new investment in BCG-related industries, the share of electricity generated from renewable energy, and the number of environmentally friendly vehicles registered attests to the expansion of the BCG economy in recent years. The government is trying to accelerate this trend by attracting foreign investment, but there are some fields where it is difficult to lure foreign capital, such as R and D projects and smart agriculture in the northern and northeastern regions. In addition, a shift to a production and consumption system with less environmental impact could lead to a decline in export competitiveness through higher costs. As such, it is expected to take a cautious stance toward the introduction of strict environmental regulations that could temporarily harm the economy.

Although the BCG economy faces challenges with implementation, the growing environmental orientation is an irreversible trend, and the broad outlines of related policies are not likely to change even with a change of administration. Therefore, Japanese companies in Thailand need to adapt to the BCG economy and reconsider how to utilize Thailand as an export base, taking into account trends in environmental regulations in each country. The Japanese government should support Japanese companies in Thailand in expanding their BCG-related businesses in Thailand to other emerging Asian countries, thereby contributing to both economic growth and environmental conservation in Asia as a whole.

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