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Wing shape variation among central Asian populations of Calopteryx splendens

키르기스스탄 국외연구자료 기타 Saber Sadeghi, Yaser Bakhshi, Henri Dumont Taksunumi va Biyusistimatik 발간일 : 2015-07-09 등록일 : 2017-02-07 원문링크

We applied geometric morphometric techniques to explore the morphological variation of forewings between 10 Asian Calopteryx splendens populations including Azerbaijan, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan countries. We focused on the study of the phenetic relationships among the populations in central Asia. The results showed that the northern and western populations of Iran had the largest and smallest centroid size of the wings, respectively. In addition, differences among wing shape of the 10 studied populations of C. splendens were significant. Our results indicated that Tajikistan population has quite distinct divergence and also Turkmenistan and northern part of Iran populations both were very close each other and located in a separate clade. The Azerbaijan, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, west Iran, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan populations were revealed to be more interrelated to each other, although Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan populations seems to be more closer than the other.

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