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[경제] Understanding the Causal Factors in the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy in Mongolia

몽골 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-12-18 등록일 : 2021-04-02 원문링크

The objective of the study was to understand the causal factors in the gender gap in life expectancy (GGLE) in Mongolia. The focus was on norms and behaviors of men, with the output expected to help inform World Bank operations. In particular, the study sought to inform the next phase of the Third Sustainable Livelihoods Project (SLP3). The study explored three key questions: what factors are most important in the large difference in mortality between men and women, and which of these factors are behavioral?; what are critical factors in men’s decisions to engage in risky behaviors?; and how can behavior-change interventions with respect to male well-being be incorporated into the next phase of the SLP? The survey results revealed a significant positive correlation between men’s adherence to stereotypical masculine gender norms and their engagement in risky health behaviors. The study makes three critical recommendations with regard to the SLP3: conduct a study to establish the link between brief and community-led interventions and SLP3 activities during the project’s upcoming mid-term study; pilot model focus groups at Bagh meetings to identify suggestions for local development fund (LDF) financing to address risky health behaviors of men; and use study results to identify policy recommendations to influence the list of eligible expenditures under the LDF.

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